Mandatory Elements

Mandatory Elements for Record Groups and Collections
Mandatory Elements for Series, File Units, and Items
Mandatory Elements for Archival Creators

Mandatory Elements for Record Groups and Collections

Record Group Collection
Title Title
  Collection Identifier
Record Group Number  
Inclusive Start Date Inclusive Start Date
Inclusive End Date Inclusive End Date
Description Type Description Type

Mandatory Elements for Series, File Units, and Items

Series File Unit Item
Title Title Title
Function and Use 1    
Inclusive Start Date 2    
Inclusive End Date 2    
General Records Type General Records Type General Records Type
Access Restriction Status 3 Access Restriction Status 3 Access Restriction Status 3
Specific Access Restrictions 3 Specific Access Restrictions 3 Specific Access Restrictions 3
Security Classification 3 Security Classification 3 Security Classification 3
Use Restriction Status 3 Use Restriction Status 3 Use Restriction Status 3
Specific Use Restrictions 3 Specific Use Restrictions 3 Specific Use Restrictions 3
Creating Individual 4    
Creating Individual Type 4    
Creating Organization 4    
Creating Organization Type 4    
Description Type Description Type Description Type
Copy Status Copy Status Copy Status
GPRA Indicator    
Holdings Measurement Type    
Holdings Measurement Count    
Location Facility Location Facility Location Facility
Reference Unit Reference Unit Reference Unit
Specific Media Type Specific Media Type Specific Media Type


1 Function and Use is mandatory for newly created descriptions of organizational records, but not for descriptions of personal papers or legacy descriptions.

2 The Inclusive Dates for the File Unit and Item descriptions are inherited down from the Series descriptions.

3 If a Restriction Status of "Restricted - Fully" or "Restricted - Partly" is selected, then the Specific Restriction becomes mandatory. If a Specific Access Restriction of "FOIA (b)(1) National Security", "Donated - Security Classified", or "Security Classified - Mandatory Review" is selected, then the Security Classification also becomes mandatory.

4 A creator and creator type is mandatory. The creator can either be a creating individual or a creating organization. Creators for the File Unit and Item descriptions are inherited down from the Series descriptions.

Mandatory Elements for Archival Creators

Organization Elements Person Elements
Organization Name Name
Abolish Date  
Establish Date  






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